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Question 1: Fill in the blanks. Use each of the numbers 1 – 9 to fill-in the blanks and complete a valid pair of equations:

A-  17 x 4 = 68 + 25 = 93


Answers to February Trivia

AutomationDirect would like to credit an 1800th century mathematician – Henry Ernest Dudeney (10 April 1857 – 24 April 1930) for this trivia question.


Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: A deadly poison with historical significance, supposedly used by Ancient Greeks such as Socrates.

A- Hemlock


Photographic image sequence showing wedding dress being hemmed and gate locked with locks and chains.





Question 1: Recently the PLC Tenors' Association's 7 members gave a concert at the city tradeshow. Each tenor sang a duet with every other tenor. How many duets were there?

A-  21

Tenor 1 sings with tenors 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 = 6 duets. Tenor 2 has already sung with tenor 1 = 5 more duets. And so the remaining duets decrease in steps of 4, 3, and 2, to 1.

Trivia question and answer adapted from 'Think!' by John Pinkney


Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: A well-known location in Western Australia

A- Cable Beach


Photo combination to solve Visual Conundrum showing an image of several cables and a beach scene.




Question 1: What is the inrush current for a single 220W LED High-Bay pendant light which draws 1 Amp of steady state current?
A) 1 Amp
B) 10 Amps
C) 50 Amps
D) 100 Amps

Information courtesy of 

Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: A common type of alternating current used in electricity generation, transmission, and distribution.

A- 3 phase


Image combination of three of the same photographs of the moon in its different phases.




Question 1: How many I/O modules can the Productivity1000 connect to?

A-  The Productivity1000 can connect up to 15 I/O modules. 


Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: An open client/server protocol, supported by Productivity1000 PLCs

A- Modbus


Image combination of photograph of young modern musicians and models from the 1960s and photograph of inside of bus.




Question 1: 

What year was the first Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) introduced and into which industry?

A-  The first PLC was introduced in 1969 by Bedford Associates as a solution to a proposal issued by the Automotive Industry (specifically General Motors)

This month's trivia question supplied by Adam Germano from Westwater Enterprises.


Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Name of a geographical location along the rim of the Pacific Ocean known for its volcanic activity.

A- Ring of Fire

Image combination used to help solve visual conundrum. First image of hands wringing washing in bucket. Second image of row of canons pointed to same target, one is firing.





Question 1

You are in a race and overtake the person in third position. What position are you now in?

A-  3rd position


Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: A storage device...

A- Hardrive

Image photo sequence of hammer hitting hard surface and highway with car tail lights





Question 1

A snail climbs a 12 meter tower. During the day, it ascends 1 meter but at night it drops 40cm. How many days will it take the snail to reach to top of the tower?

A-  20 days (snail travels .6m each day. Height of tower divided by distance = days)


Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Dostoevsky novel...

A- Crime and Punishment

Image sequence of police crime tape, plus sign and wooden gavel






Question 1

What does PID stand for?

A-  Proportional-integral-derivative


Question 2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: An analog variable in PID control loop theory

A- Setpoint

Two photographs. One of elaborate set up with performer, lighting, sound and video equipment. Other of people pointing at computer screen














Question 1

"I've never been much good at arithmetic,' admitted Professor Pulza. 'In fact, the only mathematical rule I remember from school is that EIGHT NINES EQUAL 1125.'
How did Pulza reach that curious mathematical conclusion??

A-  9 + 9 + 9 + 99 + 999 = 1125


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Name of the mathematical formula adopted by artists and designers to achieve beauty, balance and harmony.

A- Golden Ratio, also known as the golden section, golden mean, divine proportion or Fibonacci sequence.

April 2023 Visual Conundrum




Question 1

Q-  Each Wednesday a bunch of coworkers meet at a cafe for lunch. Although each eats a differently-priced meal, they share the bill equally.
This particular day, it resulted in one man paying $1 less than he should, another $3 more, another $4 less and the last paid $4.
What was the original price of each meal?

A-  $5, $1, $8 and $2


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Shakespearean phrase from Othello, meaning to be vulnerable.

A- Wear my heart upon my sleeve

Image sequence showing photograph of model of human heart on a medical textbook page. plus sign, and photograph of male in formal jacket holding sleeve.





Question 1

Q-  If you were trying to detect a stainless object, using a AC1-xx-1x sensor, what would be the stainless sensing distance?

  • Sensor's sensing distance = 0.8mm
  • Stainless correction = 0.63

A-  Stainless sensing distance = 0.8mm X 0.63 = 0.504mm

So the maximum sensing distance for a AC1-xx-1x sensor, detecting a stainless object, is 0.504mm.


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: To give a definite form

A- Crystalise

close up of crystals, a plus sign and photograph of notebook with handwritten words reading I will not tell lies.




Question 1

Q- How many lords a-leaping in the '12 Days of Christmas' carol?

A- 10 Lords a-leaping


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Place in Western Australia

A- Exmouth


Image sequence to solve visual puzzle showing image of hand with large red 'x' drawn on, plus symbol, carnival mechanical clowns with mouths open







Question 1

Q- What does MQTT stand for?

A- Message Queuing Telemetry Transport


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Name of a common plug & play device

A- USB (Universal Serial Bus)


Picture sequence showing Universal Studios globe sign, a cereal box, and an old bus







Question 1

Q- What is the name given to the pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather?

A- Petrichor


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Famous Australian Landmark

A- Devils Marbles or Karlu Karlu

small sculpture of a devil and collection of marbles





Question 1

Q- What is the main difference between sonar and radar?

A- Both are sensor systems which use the transmission and reception of return signals to function. Radar systems operate using radio waves primarily in air, while sonar systems operate using sound waves primarily in water (Minkoff, 1991).


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: An intense localised eruption in the Sun's atmosphere

A- Solar Flare

September Visual Conundrum




Question 1

Q- How long is a nanosecond?

A- C) One billionth of a second.

nanosecond (ns) is an SI unit of time equal to one billionth of a second, that is, 11 000 000 000 of a second, or 10−9 seconds. (Wiki)


Q2: Visual Conundrum

HINT: Set of rules for a programming language.

A- Python Syntax

July Visual Conundrum





Question 1

Q- ViewMarq Industrial LED displays offer 6 models. How many have built-in Ethernet?

A- All 6 models have built-in Ethernet.

These industrial text message displays utilize both serial and Ethernet networks and can be connected to a PLC, PC, or any device capable of serial ASCII, Modbus RTU, or Modbus TCP communication. 


Q2: Crack the Code

Use the number clues to determine the names of all 4 children.

A-  1652 = LISA, 0231 = CARL, 5429 = SEAN, 3854 = ROSE

C  L  A  R  E  S  I  M  O  N

0  1   2  3   4  5  6  7   8   9





Question 1

Q- Who invented Network Time Protocol (NTP?)

A- NTP was designed by David L. Mills in 1985. NTP (and variations) are still in use today.

A quick Wikipedia reference- The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks. NTP is intended to synchronize all participating computers to within a few milliseconds of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It uses the intersection algorithm, a modified version of Marzullo's algorithm, to select accurate time servers and is designed to mitigate the effects of variable network latency. NTP can usually maintain time to within tens of milliseconds over the public Internet, and can achieve better than one millisecond accuracy in local area networks under ideal conditions.

Many PLCs feature NTP or a less complex implementation SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol.


Q2: Visual Conundrum

A common idiom/ saying

A- Barking up the wrong tree

An image of an aggressive dog barking and trees with red X marks on the trunks





Question 1

Q- Starting with 'B', which collective noun for bees is also a mode of transport?




Question 2

     A=?  B=?  C=?  D=?  E=?


There is a number in math that when multiplied by 4, the opposite will appear.
This number is: 21978
So A = 2, B = 1, C = 9, D = 7, E = 8









Q- According to the song, what did my true love give to me on the fifth day of Christmas?



Visual Conundrum

An Australian Colloquialism

Answer- Fair Crack of the Whip


December 2021 Visual Conundrum






Q- In cybercrime, what does DDoS stand for?

A- Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack


Visual Conundrum

This week we gave you three letter/number puzzles to solve. Did you get them all?


A) Backward glance     B) H20 (H to O)     C) Two degrees below zero


November Trivia




Q- Which element has the atomic number 12?


Helium (2), Carbon (6)

Visual Conundrum

Hint- Famous Australian Landmark

Answer- Great Ocean Road.


Visual Conundrum






Q- Annular, total, partial and hybrid are all types of what? (Astronomy)

A- Solar Eclipses

Total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon completely covers the Sun, as seen from Earth.

Partial solar eclipse happens when the Moon only partially covers the disk of the Sun.

Annular solar eclipse occurs when the New Moon covers the Sun's center, leaving its outer edges to form a “ring of fire” or annulus.

Hybrid solar eclipse is a rare form of a solar eclipse, which changes from an annular to a total solar eclipse, and vice versa, along its path.

Total Eclipse of the Heart- song released by Bonnie Tyler in 1983 and still has one of the weirdest film clips of all time.


Visual Conundrum

Hint- Name of a Famous Scientist/ Mathmatician

Answer- Ada Lovelace

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (née Byron; 10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852) was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and to have published the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first computer programmer.

Source: Wikipedia

September Get it








Q- Seth is smaller than Sam, but taller than Slim. Stan is smaller than Sam but larger than Seth. Who is the tallest?

A- Sam is the tallest


Visual Conundrum

Hint- an expression of disgust or agony

Answer- Grimace

The image on the right is ACE or the Advanced Composition Explorer which observes and measures magnetic fields and particles in space, from a vantage point approximately 1/100 of the distance from Earth to the Sun. Lauched in 1997, The ACE spacecraft was designed and built at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, in Laurel, MD. The structure has two octagonal decks, 5.25-feet across and 3.2-feet high, with an overall wingspan of about 27 feet. The spacecraft, which rotates at five revolutions per minute, is stabilized with the spin axis pointing from the Sun to Earth. Using four deployable solar panels and a nickel-cadmium battery, the spacecraft has a peak power of 443 watts ⎯ similar to the power consumption of a fridge.

ACE orbits the L1 Lagrange point, which is a point of gravitational equilibrium between Earth and the Sun, about 900,000 miles from Earth and 92 million miles from the Sun. This orbit affords ACE a prime location in the solar wind flow that heads toward Earth.

ACE launched with nine instruments ⎯ eight of which are still operating ⎯ designed to observe the wide range of particles in space, differentiating between various elements, energies, and charges. 


  1. SWIMS ⎯ solar wind ion mass spectrometer

  2. SWICS ⎯ solar wind ion composition spectrometer

  3. ULEIS ⎯ ultra-low-energy isotope spectrometer

  4. SEPICA ⎯ solar energetic-particle ionic charge analyzer

  5. SIS ⎯ solar isotope spectrometer

  6. CRIS ⎯ cosmic-ray isotope spectrometer

  7. SWEPAM ⎯ solar wind electron, proton, and alpha monitor

  8. EPAM ⎯ electron, proton, and alpha particle monitor

  9. MAG ⎯ magnetometer

(Info from

The dude on the left is waiting for Godot.


Visual Conundrum July







Q- What is the meaning of this German word?  Flughafenbegrüßungsfreude

A- (b) Childish delight at being greeted at the airport.

Visual Conundrum

Hint- Faced with two dangerous alternatives

Answer- Between the devil and the deep blue sea.

June visual conundrum







Q- How much memory did the computer on the Apollo 11 (AGC) have?

A- 15-bit wordlength + 1-bit parity, 2048 words RAM (magnetic-core memory), 36,864 words ROM (core rope memory)

The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) is a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo command module (CM) and Apollo Lunar Module (LM). The AGC provided computation and electronic interfaces for guidance, navigation, and control of the spacecraft.

The AGC has a 16-bit word length, with 15 data bits and one parity bit. Most of the software on the AGC is stored in a special read-only memory known as core rope memory, fashioned by weaving wires through and around magnetic cores, though a small amount of read/write core memory is available. (Information from Wikipedia)


Visual Conundrum

Hint- Title of a book by famous Brisbane (Australian) author.

Answer- Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton.

Published in 2018 and set in Brisbane. The novel has also been developed into a play, Presented by Queensland Theatre, Brisbane Festival and Queensland Performing Arts Centre.

According the the ABC (2019), Dalton's bestselling saga Boy Swallows Universe won four ABIAs: Book of the Year, Literary Book of the Year, the Matt Richell Award for New Writer of the Year and Audio Book of the Year (Wavesound, narrated by Stig Wemyss). 'It is the first time all four major prizes have gone to the same author in the history of the ABIAs, which are voted on by an academy of more than 250 figures from the publishing industry'.

May Visual Conundrum Image of male symbol + stars + spoon





Q- What is the name given to the smallest unit of time successfully measured and recorded??

A- Zeptosecond

A zeptosecond is a thrillionth of a billionth of a second. That's a decimal point followed by 20 zeroes and a 1.

0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001.

According to the BBC, a group of scientists at Goethe University in Germany successfully recorded the zeptosecond. They measured how long it takes for a photon to cross a hydrogen molecule- around 247 zeptoseconds- making this measurement the shortest time span ever recorded.

Visual Conundrum

Clue- Place

Hint- Famous Australian Landmark

Answer- The Great Australian Bight






Q- Where would you be if you were at Lake Forgetfulness?

A- The Moon

Visual Conundrum

Clue- Common Phrase

Hint- Something you should never throw

Visual conumdrum_ caution tape_wind in sails

A- Never throw caution to the wind