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DL05 & DL06


The DL05 and the DL06 product lines are a family of micro PLCs designed to fit more applications than any other PLC family in their class. Starting with the DL05 at 8 inputs/ 6 outputs, all the way up to the fully expanded 100 I/O DL06 PLC, these PLCs are a standard that can grow with the changing needs of your machine or process control applications.

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Product Code Product Name QTY Price ($AUD) Action
F0-08SIM DL05/06 8 toggle SW input simulator
F0-04TRS DL05/06 4pt isolated relay output mod
F0-08DAH-1 DL05/06 8 chan 16-bit current output
F0-04DAH-2 DL05/06 4 channel16-bit voltage output
F0-4AD2DA-1 DL05/06 4 in 2 out Current Analog Mod
F0-08DAH-2 DL05/06 8 chan 16-Bit voltage output
F0-04AD-2 DL05/06 4 channel Analog Voltage Input
F0-4AD2DA-2 DL05/06 4 in 2 out Voltage Analog Mod
F0-04AD-1 DL05/06 4pt 4-20ma Input card
F0-04DAH-1 DL05/06 4 channel16-bit current output
F0-08ADH-1 DL05/06 8 channel 16-bit current input
F0-08ADH-2 DL05/06 8 channel volt analog input
F0-2AD2DA-2 DL05/06 2 in 2 output Analog module
F0-04RTD DL05/06 4 Ch RTD Input
F0-04THM DL05/06 4 Ch Thermocouple Input 05/06
H0-CTRIO2 High Speed Counter 05/06 250kH
F0-CP128 DL05/06 Duel port overdrive Co Process
PC-DS100 DirectSOFT 100 Free Programming SW 100 words
D2-DSCBL-1 250 15 pin Port Prog Cable
D0-05AA 8AC In./6 Relay 110/220 VAC
D0-05AD 8AC In./6DC Relay Out 110/220
D0-05AR 8 AC In/6 Relay out
D0-05DA 8DC In./6AC Out 110/220 VAC
D0-05DD 8 DC Inputs/6 DC Out 240V
D0-05DR 8 DC Inputs/6 Relay Out 240V
D0-05DD-D 8 DC Inputs/6 DC Out 24vdc
D0-05DR-D 8 DC Inputs/6 Relay Out 24vdc
D0-06AA CPU 20 AC In/16 AC Out
D0-06DD1 CPU 20 DC In/16 DC Sink Out
D0-06DD2 CPU 20 DC In/16 DC Src Out
D0-06DR CPU 20 DC In/16 Relay Out
D0-06DA CPU 20 DC In/16 AC Out
D0-06AR CPU 20 AC In/16 Relay Out
D0-06DD1-D CPU 20 In/16 Out DC Power
D0-06DD2-D CPU 20 In/16 Out DC Power
D0-06DR-D CPU 20 In/16 Rly Out DC Power
D0-10ND3 10 Pt 12-24Vdc S/S Input Mod
D0-10ND3F 10 Pt 12-24Vdc Fast Resp Input
F0-08NA-1 DL05/06 8pt 110VAC input module
D0-10TD1 10 Pt 12-24Vdc Sink Output Mod
D0-10TD2 10 Pt 24Vdc Src Output Mod
D0-08TR 8 Pt Relay Output Module
D0-08CDD1 4 In/4 Out DC Combo Module
D0-07CDR 4 In/3 Relay Out Combo Module
D0-16ND3 16 Pt 20-28 VDC Input Module
D0-16TD1 16 Pt 12-24Vdc Sink Output Mod
D0-16TD2 16 Pt 12-24Vdc Src Output Mod
H0-ECOM100 DL05/06 Ethernet Comms Module
D0-DEVNETS Devicenet Slave Unit
D0-DCM 2 port serial RS232 data comms

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DL05 Important Features include:

  • Eight inputs and six outputs (integrated), expandable to 30 I/O total
  • Six I/O models of AC, DC and relay I/O
  • 2 K program memory
  • 4 K data memory
  • Two communication ports
  • Supports networking for MODBUS RTU master/slave, a DeviceNET slave option module, and an Ethernet option module
  • Removable terminal block connectors
  • Six I/O configurations
  • DC-powered DD and DR models
  • 129 instructions, including four PID* loops
  • Powerful functions like FOR/ NEXT loops, subroutines, and drum sequencers
  • Removable terminal block

Four super-easy PID loops

PID (Proportional, integral, derivative) control: Control algorithm that is used to closely control processes such as temperature, mixture, position, and velocity.

The proportional portion takes care of the magnitude of the error. The derivative compensates for the rate of error change. The integral takes care of small errors over time.

The DL05 micro PLC comes with PID built right in.
While some of the traditional PLC companies require separate ladder instructions for each loop and for loop scheduling, we make it automatic.

  • Fill out a chart for alarms and ramp soak
  • Automatic loop scheduling
  • Programming software includes the loop tune screen with trending
  • Loop auto-tuning, which allows the CPU to automatically determine the near-optimum loop settings








Use the DL05 programmable logic controller to:

  • Build a micro process monitor/ controller using the PID function and analog input option module. Add a local operator interface to set and view parameters.
  • Network distributed I/O nodes with local intelligence that can also communicate globally.
  • Use 10-30 VDC powered units in remote locations for data monitoring and control.

Networked DL05 units for low-cost machine or process control

The DL05 offers super-easy master/slave networking with no added cost besides the cabling.

For a network of more than two units, RS232/ RS422 converters must be used.

If you need more than the 14 discrete I/O in the DL05, simply connect to one or more units using one of the two communication ports.

MODBUS RTU, DirectNET and K-sequence protocols are supported so you can also connect to other PLCs. can install any option module (analog input, real-time clock, thermocouple input, RTD temperature input, DeviceNET slave, Profibus slave) in each of the DL05s on the network!

Remote Monitoring

Combine one of our AC- or DC-powered DL05 PLCs with a compatible modem.

The DL05 has two serial ports, with Port 2 settings being configurable to accommodate the most common modems.

This combination can really save you money on service calls, data acquisition, up-time and down-time trending and more.

High-speed counting and pulse outputs

Selected DL05 micro PLCs offer built-in high-speed input features (on units with DC inputs) and pulse output features (on units with DC outputs).

Use the DL05 PLC to solve a diverse range of positioning and high-speed machine control applications.

(NOTE: Only one high-speed I/O feature may be in use at one time. You cannot use a high-speed input and the pulse output at the same time.)

DL06 Important Features include:


From 36-100 I/O, affordable base PLCs which combine fixed I/O with four option card slots for expansion.

Dl06 image

Several bases & modules are available for the DL06 | Download DL05 & 06 unit Specs (PDF) |

The DirectLOGIC 06 (DL06) programmable logic controller (PLC) is our first micro PLC to combine its fixed I/O of 20 inputs and 16 outputs with four option card slots for expansion (discrete, analog, communication modules), all in the same package. With the DL06 micro PLC, you can use the same PLC panel layout for all applications from 36 to 100 I/O.

This powerful micro PLC is ideal for managing a variety of industrial process control applications.


Great Fit for Practical On/Off Control

  1. Nine models available
    - The DL06 PLC line includes nine models to choose from in both AC and DC powered models.
  2. Thirty-six built-in I/O points
    - All nine DL06 models include 20 inputs and 16 outputs for a total of 36 built-in discrete I/O in a variety of AC, DC and relay combinations.
  3. Flexible programming
    Our FREE DirectSOFT programming package, PC-DS100,* combined with the powerful DL06 instruction set, makes programming your application simple and affordable
  4. Practical communications
    The DL06 includes two serial communication ports. Port 1 supports programming and HMI. Port 2 can be used for RS-232/422/485 networking or ASCII In/out to other devices.
  5. Discrete I/O option modules
    At an affordable base price, these discrete I/O option modules allow the DL06 to expand with the needs of your application for just a few dollars more.
  6. Easy ZIPLink connection
    16-point option modules can connect to a variety of ZIPLink modules, including low-cost feed-through terminals, fuse, LED, and even relay modules.

Analog Control

  • Two-for-one pricing
    - Combine our analog I/O modules with any DL06 for the lowest-cost analog control in its class. You can buy two DL06 systems for the price of one of our competitors’ systems.
  • C-more panels
    offer a low-cost window into your application. Our C-more panels have some of the best features in the market for process HMI applications.
  • Direct wiring
    with the analog option modules to most common analog devices such as pressure and level transmitters, proportional valves, AC drives, panel meters, etc.
  • Eight PID loops with “auto-tune”
    The DL06 supports its great analog capabilities with PID and floating point math at no additional charge.
  • Powerful communications
    - built-in and expansion. Combine a DL06 AC or DC-powered unit with our industrial telephone modems and avoid the high cost of an advanced Remote Telemetry System (RTU).
  • Seven analog modules
    to choose from including 4-20 mA or 0-20 mA, and 0-5V or 0-10V input and output ranges. DL06 analog modules are the smallest and lowest-priced in the industry.

Communications-enabled applications

  • Flexible communications
    - The most flexible ports in its class. The DL06 has two built-in communication ports. Port 2 has the same communication capabilities as many larger PLCs.
  • Connect directly to ASCII devices
    The DL06 allows you to easily perform ASCII operations at no additional charge!
  • Versatile programming port
    can also be used for operator interface. After programming is complete, use this port to connect to a C-more panel for a low cost HMI solution.
  • Ethernet connectivity
    DL05/ 06 H0-ECOM Ethernet Modules provide a 10 Mbit or 100 Mbit Ethernet link for peer-to-peer PLC communications and for data serving to HMI/SCADA systems using OPC over Ethernet.
  • ASCII and Modbus
    fill-in-the-blanks instructions. The DL06 includes easy-to-use communication instructions for Modbus and ASCII operations.